- 00:52:33: Also, I've been drinking only water since 11 so I can be sober by the end of the party.
- 12:03:20: Some of last night's Tweets have disappeared. I know they had been posted because I saw them on my Twitter page on my cell phone.
- 12:19:40: #ShopwreckerSurvey I'm thankful for my families (real life & online) and finding a new job so I can pay bills & pay down debt. #shopcollie
- 12:29:59: Estimated calories from last night: 2,200. Walking up and down the stairs a few times and dancing helped burn off some of that.
- 13:31:12: My "missing" Tweets are appearing in my regular timeline, but not my profile page. http://twitpic.com/3a3rb1
- 13:52:52: @spam Please shut down the following bot accounts for spamming: @YaraHeiken9381 @Lukanwintev456 @GitanaThyng5155 @JuliannaDeary
- 14:02:44: @spam Another account that needs to be closed is @HadleyEmbler380
- 14:18:22: Dinner in about 2-1/4 hours. When posting about certain activities, I should use code words or misspellings to thwart spambots.
- 15:51:29: Real Housewives Of The North Pole debuts Friday at Denver's Bovine Metropolis Theater. www.bovinemetropolis.com http://twitpic.com/3a51oz
- 15:57:30: Shows are Fridays & Saturdays at 8 PM from 11/26 to 12/18, plus Wed. 12/22 and Thu. 12/23. Tix $16. www.bovinemetropolis.com or 303-758-4722
- 19:27:09: I wish I had someone to come home to.
- 20:41:38: Watching "Carson's Comedy Classics" and drinking some catnip tea.
- 21:14:32: I'm #thankful everything is fine. I'll be able to sleep a little better now.
- 21:31:36: Total calories: 1,586. 1,146 of that was Thanksgiving dinner. I had slept in and only had a meatloaf sandwich for lunch.
- 22:16:40: @the10za I believe all people should be treated equally & not be ridiculed for size (fat or skinny,) but also work toward a healthy weight.
- 22:26:51: Watching the "Tofurkey hunt" on Conan. I thought the last hunter looked like Weird Al Yankovic's character from "UHF."
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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