- 01:29:44: Note to self: Check TFF forums tomorrow re: tail commission post and photos.
- 01:30:56: RT @SarahKSilverman: My thoughts and prayers are with Charlie Sheen tonight, as he's been diagnosed with Full Blown Busey
- 01:34:52: Total calories: 1,773. I need to finish the half-full bag of corn sitting in my freezer before it turns into an iceberg.
- 02:14:13: Hearing some politicians trash-talk reminds me of Andy Kaufman: Some people aren't always sure if it's real or a joke.
- 13:34:47: RT @bridger_w: People who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom might be surprised to learn that no one wants to high five the ...
- 14:18:03: RT @novenator: Why is a 3% tax increase on the richest considered "socialism" but a 14% pay cut on the middle class is "doing your part? ...
- 14:23:13: RT @Stefaniya: "... We must reduce workers' salaries and take away their right to strike." - Adolf Hitler, May 2, 1933 #wiunion
- 16:48:01: Pictures and videos from Furry Fiesta http://j.mp/g8WSOo
- 18:07:54: RT @BEHRINGER: B flat, D flat and F walk into a bar. Bartender says "We don't serve minors." D flat exits, so B flat and F have an open ...
- 23:18:07: My first time at the Aurorafurs meet!
- 23:59:50: Two furs at my table are comparing the size of their ..... computers.
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