- 13:23:20: RT @davidsirota: A Tale of Two Cities: How Chicago & CO Springs are leading American cities to embrace the Municipal Dystopia Agenda htt ...
- 13:24:02: @WheelofFortune Sewing and gumball machine
- 13:48:27: #smh This woman on Twitter not only follows people she hates, but also took time out of the life she doesn't have to create a list for them.
- 15:20:08: @rtrunt Blogspot told me you blog was removed when I clicked on the link. I liked Late Night Liars and would have liked to see it succeed.
- 15:43:10: RT @daveweigel: Haley Barbour has just assured that he doesn't have to listen to Trump or talk to Piers Morgan. He's too smart to be pre ...
- 16:02:31: @WheelofFortune Diamondback Rattlesnake
- 16:20:09: RT @SarahKSilverman: Your kids won't turn left-handed if you teach them that some people are left-handed.
#gayokay - 16:39:01: Doing my laundry. I ran out of clean pants, and they're too dirty for "bachelor laundry" (spraying the least-funky pair with Febreeze.)
- 19:33:06: RT @garagemahal65: CNN sends 400 reporters to cover Royal Wedding. 50 sent to Japan. One sent to Madison to cover @wiunion protests.
- 19:43:01: Sadly, that sitcom is "All In The Family" after Mike & Gloria left. RT @RBReich The GOP is turning from a bad joke to a situation comedy.
- 20:53:34: I found a clean pair of pants earlier. They were tangled in the bed sheets I had pulled from the dryer. The rest of my pants are now clean.
- 22:14:47: RT @JobParty: RT @RepMcGovern: People's Budget: Cuts costs, grows jobs, eliminates deficit by 2021, w/o slashing vital social programs h ...
- 22:20:47: I'll be reading David Sedaris' "Nutcracker.com" story tonight in its memory. RT @cdespinosa Au revoir, typewriter: http://j.mp/fgyrAM
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